Haven't been keeping up with this blog.....thought our life was boring...as I look back over the last few months, I find we have had many adventures. Here goes!!!!
January was our normal TX winter. Cold, rain and not much fun; however, we were working at Inks Lake State Park with good friends. Pot luck dinners, camp fires and playing cards. Such a hard life!!!
In February we went to Puerta Vallarta with our good friends, Jim & Cathy Brockamp. Such a fun trip. Lots of relaxing around the pool and card playing. Touring the tequila factory was great fun....yummmmm!!
March was a very difficult month....my dad passed away March 9, 2010. I spent most of the month in Brackettville, TX with my mother. Daddy was 95 years old and in poor health but that doesn't make it any easier. He was my real life hero that gave me my love of horses, cattle and the great outdoors. Love you and miss you Daddy. The kids came down with their RVs for a few days. It wasn't the spring break we had planned but so thankful they were able to all be there.
April saw us leaving Inks Lake. We went to Belton, TX to be close to our son, Tim, for a few days before he left. He has a few schools to complete before deploying June 8th for a one year tour of duty in Cuba. Tim had a house fire a few weeks ago so Dad was able to help him with a few projects. Back to Brackettville to help Mom with a few projects at her house. Lucky to be able to spend some time with all of the kids before we leave for KY.
That brings us to May....after taking our beautiful granddaughter, Casey, to a movie and dinner for her birthday, it was time to leave TX for a few months. The trip from TX to KY was VERY stressful!!!! On Monday (5/3)we met our friends, Bill & Marilyn Theis, in Shreveport, LA. The best thing at the casino for us was dinner; however, it was quite profitable for Bill. Next stop was Arkadelphia, AR. on Tuessday. FUN stop....we met other TX friends, Bruce and Ann Shove, along with her brother and sister-in-law for dinner. Wednesday, the Theis' and us went to the Crater of Diamonds State Park to search for diamonds...no diamonds for us! Thursday is when all of the trouble started....we lost the U-joint on the truck climbing a steep hill into Branson, MO. YIKES!!!! The truck and 5th wheel were on a steep incline with no way to move. There was not a big wrecker in the area to pull both truck & 5th wheel. SO it was decided to unhook the 5th wheel....thank goodness our friends were there. Bill hooked onto the 5th wheel and pulled it to the RV park a few miles away. WHEW...made it safe and sound!!! Wrecker took the truck to the repair shop. Unfortunately, they had to order a part and it took several days to arrive. We were scheduled to leave Branson on Saturday (5/8) to arrive for work at Wolf Creek National Fish Hatchery on Monday (5/10). We finally left Branson Wednesday afternoon, arriving at WCNFH on Thursday afternoon. Amanda, the volunteer coordinator, was so sweet and had no problems with us arriving late. WE ARE HERE SAFE AND SOUND FOR THE NEXT 4 MONTHS!!! LOTS OF THINGS TO DO AND SEE.