We have been 24/7 grandparents since Friday. WOW!! Now I remember why you have kids when you are young! Such busy little beavers!
Friday night we mostly hung out at their house. Fixed pancakes for supper!! Played games, (Ryan and I played with his bull riding setup), watched TV, etc. After snacks, baths and so on, if was bedtime. Saturday was a busy day for Ryan. He had a baseball game in the morning. They won. YEA! Then he had a birthday party Saturday evening. Of course, we had to go shopping for the birthday present after the game. After the party, we played games and watched the PBR.
Sunday we went to Chatfield Lake to try out the new Sea Eagle boat. We had not decided if we needed a motor--oh yeah! Rowing is way too much work to have energy left to fish. Of course, both boys helped row. Justin was a lot of help but Ryan's arms are still a little short. Then back t0 their house for dinner, baths and more games. Bedtime was early tonight because tomorrow's school.
Monday everybody was up early for school. Had forgotten what a mad house it can be getting everyone off with all their assignments and on time. John will be home late this afternoon and Tanya will be in tonight.
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