The flowers up here are absolutely gorgeous! Got so many ideas for different hanging baskets but have no permanent place for them. The ONLY bummer about full-timing! Well, not really... sure miss seeing the kids and grandbabies on a regular basis! Thank goodness for cell phones and the internet.
We went fishing on Sunday but didn't catch anything. The sea lions were cruising the area so no fish! It was fun watching the sea lions. We also saw several sea otters munching away....such cute little critters!
Monday we stayed close to the RV to find out exactly when Tyler was coming in. They missed the connection to Las Vegas so he had to fly out of Phoenix. His plane arrived in Anchorage at 12:30 am. Since it is a 2 1/2 hr drive to Anchorage, we decided to leave about 8:30 pm so we would have plenty of time.....NO SO!!! We sat in traffic on the Seward Highway for 2 1/2 hrs because of a fatal accident. We were late pickup Tyler. The airlines was so great. They called us to tell us not to worry as they had heard of the accident of the news. We finally got home around 4 am.
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